Financial Peace University


With all those payments going out each month, there's nothing left for you. To get out of debt, you've got to change your habits. Create margin. Earn extra income. Live on rice and beans. You can be debt-free. We'll show you how.

1) List your debts in order from smallest total payoff balance to the largest.

Don't worry about the interest rate, unless two of the debts have a similar payoff balance. In that case, pay off the one with the highest interest rate first.With all those payments going out each month, there's nothing left for you. To get out of debt, you've got to change your habits. Create margin. Earn extra income. Live on rice and beans. You can be debt-free. We'll show you how.


2) Get your debt snowball rolling by paying as much as you can on the smallest balance.

Only make minimum payments on all the other debts and put everything you can into the first debt. When you knock one out, cross it off. This will show you how close you are to becoming debt-free and keep you fired up!


3) Once you've paid something off, move on to the next debt on the list.

As the payments roll over, watch how fast your payoffs grow. You can be out of debt sooner than you think.
